Disney World During the Pandemic

Disney World during the pandemic

Disney World has a huge fan base. The question is how many of those fans would still visit Disney World during the pandemic. Their answers are about more than just worrying about getting sick. There are many things to consider before visiting Disney World right now. At the moment, there are no parades, fireworks, character meet and greets, or dessert parties. In addition, many could be concerned about wearing a mask all day.

I asked a question to Disney fans. If you could go to Disney World now, during this pandemic, would you? I ended up with a very good response, 2,500 fans voted. Now that Disney World has reopened Disney fans can get a clearer picture about what it’s like to visit with all the changes. The poll included, yes, no, and maybe. Here are the results.

disney world during the pandemic

Poll Results

66% – Yes

32% – No

2% – Maybe

As you can see, not many said maybe. Most Disney fans knew if they would go or not. The majority said yes and over 300 had already been to the parks. Still, 32 percent said no. Here are some of the reasons they gave for not going.

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Mask Requirement

One of the top reasons people said no, the mask requirement. Some said they would go if they didn’t have to wear a mask. Some reasons that were stated, too hot to wear a mask, and a hard time breathing with a mask on. Others don’t like the idea of wearing a mask all day.

Half the Magic for Full Price

Another reason fans don’t want to go is because a lot is missing from the experience. A Disney World vacation is not cheap and they don’t want to pay full price with so much missing. Such as, character meet and greets, fireworks, shows, parades, and some restaurants are closed. They would rather wait until things at Disney are back to normal. Disney World is a once in a life time trip for many and for others it’s a every five or ten year trip. It makes a lot of sense to wait in those circumstances.

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Another concern was about flying. Several said they would go if they didn’t have to fly. Many feel safe in Disney World. There is a high confidence that Disney has handled the situation well. However, some don’t feel safe traveling on a plane.

Making Others Sick

The other reason fans would not visit Disney World during the pandemic is fear of getting others sick. Not many were worried about getting sick themselves. They were more worried about spreading the virus to family members.

What do you think about going to Disney World during the pandemic? Do you have a reason that isn’t included above? What are some benefits for going now? I’d like to know what you think. Feel free to comment below. It really does help our readers out.

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